07 Sep
06:00 AM
07 Sep, 08:00 AM
Birding Walk at Cat Island
On Saturday, September 7, 2024, The Friends of Cat Island will host a birding walk at 6:00 AM and a nature walk at 8:00 AM at Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge. Both walks will be about three miles and will start at the beginning of Blue Goose Trail. To access the trailhead, drive to the boat launch parking lot, about two miles from the refuge entrance, where a volunteer guide will sign you in. Experts will be there to assist with species identification. Be prepared for heat and no bathroom facilities, and bring water, bug spray and sunscreen. An aid station will be set up for assistance.
This event is free but please register by contacting either William Daniel at 225-721-0090or epewhd@icloud.com or Jesse Means at 225-936-6529or jesselmeans3@gmail.com. Please specify whether you want to do the birding walk or the nature walk.
Age Group